City Security Council to launch incident management platform in Spring 2021

February 3, 2021

It has recently been announced that in Spring 2021, City Security Council will be launching a new communication and incident management platform that will facilitate real-time reporting into and out of the City of London Police JCCR (Joint Contact and Control Room) with security companies operating across the City.

As well as real time reporting of incidents such as missing persons, suspicious vehicles and change of security alerts, it will provide the police with the ability to galvanise support to help quickly set up cordons or support mass evacuations.

The software for the new Incident and Crisis Management platform will be created by Zinc Systems, a UK-based digital technology company that specialises in creating business intelligence with technological agility.

“Securing The City of London”

Neill Catton, newly-appointed Chairman of the City Security Council and MD of CIS Security, remarked: “City Security Council Members have been instrumental in driving this initiative forward. The collaboration between all organisations has been excellent and demonstrates the passion to create a unified approach to securing The City of London.

“The CSC would like to welcome other security stakeholders to be part of this fantastic initiative and to promote the professionalism of our security teams.”

“A real game changer”

Ian Dyson, Commissioner of the City of London Police, added: “This unique and innovative initiative is one that I have always been supportive of since its inception, so it is excellent news to see the next stage unfold.

“It is vital in this day and age that we further develop our already excellent private/public partnership collaborations, and the CSC platform will bring many additional ‘real time’ benefits to further enhance the safety of all who visit, live and work in the City of London.

“With many thousands of additional security personnel to call upon in support of our officers this is going to be a real game changer in how we can respond to an incident.”

Read the full press release here.

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