Consultation on national Cyber-Physical Infrastructure launched by Government

March 2, 2022

It has been recently confirmed that a consultation on a national Cyber-Physical Infrastructure has been launched by the government.

Such infrastructure has been defined by GOV.UK as ecosystems of increasingly connected digital and physical systems that have the potential to accelerate innovation and secure the UK’s status as an innovative nation.

Uses range from autonomous agriculture drones and collaborative robots working with factory operators to reducing congestion in urban traffic systems and planning responses to extreme weather events for UK critical infrastructure.

This consultation explores the opportunities and challenges presented by the increasingly connected application of these systems and how ecosystems of this technology could help UK innovators to reduce cost and risk to rapidly prototype, test, develop and implement ideas. Through this consultation, the government is seeking challenge and insight from stakeholders including industry, academia, institutions and the wider public sector.

Science Minister George Freeman said: “The UK is emerging from the last few turbulent years with a more resilient and sustainable economic model – putting science, research and innovation at the heart of our post-Brexit vision for Global Britain’s role in the world.

“Increasingly, advanced and connected digital and physical technologies are providing us with new tools to help us better predict and respond to future global challenges; drive UK leadership in science and research; and better commercialise innovations.

“This consultation is a key step to realising these benefits for the UK, and I look forward to receiving guiding challenges and insights from the community.

The consultation will close on 11 May 2022.

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