Home Office seeks new SIA members

January 28, 2022

The Home Office has recently published an application request encouraging those with the relevant credentials to become Non-Executive Directors of the Security Industry Authority (SIA), the regulator of the UK’s private security industry.

As a member of the authority you will work with the Chair and other authority members in setting the SIA’s strategic direction, chair and participate in authority sub-committees, oversee the work of the SIA’s Chief Executive in managing the authority and its delivery programme and represent the SIA in communications with key stakeholders.

Those wishing to apply must have:

  • a successful track record of achievement at board level or equivalent
  • a thorough understanding of issues arising from delivering services and business improvements within a high profile and sensitive environment
  • a good understanding of the wider issues relating to the regulation of the private security industry or a sector with similar characteristics to the private security industry

To read the full details and apply, visit: https://publicappointments

The closing date for applications is 11pm on 21 February 2022.

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