LATEST: Qognify is now part of Hexagon

April 11, 2023


VMS and EIM provider Qognify has announced that it is now part of Hexagon.

The acquisition was agreed in December last year.

Steven Cost, President, Hexagon’s Safety, Infrastructure & Geospatial division, states: “Qognify extends our real-time monitoring and security reach to detect, assess, and respond to incidents, providing a more robust offering to the markets we serve.”

Qognify VMS and enterprise incident management platform (Situator) complement Hexagon’s technology portfolio.

Steve Shine, CEO and President, Qognify, added: “Qognify and Hexagon solutions have successfully been deployed together for large projects. Now as one, Qognify and Hexagon provide a truly comprehensive proposition for organizations to optimize and safeguard their world for customers, employees, citizens and communities.”


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