Masthead Receiver gains functionality improvements by Luminite Electronics

March 10, 2022

Luminite Electronics have improved their Genesis Masthead Receiver (LGMT434v2) to include a host of new features and functionality.   

In line with other receivers in the Luminite range, the new Masthead Receiver is fitted with easy-to-use push buttons and LED display for easy programming.

The standard RS232 output facilitates connection to the multi relay output unit LGU16.  Additionally, there is a USB port for remote configuration or as a duplicate of the RS232 protocol for PC applications.

Two configurable relays with volt free contacts can be used as single or grouped alarm or tamper outputs.  Additionally, these relays can also provide a physical contact change when a system is armed or dis-armed.

Wireless arming and disarming can be achieved using either a Genesis keyfob (LGKF4) or a Genesis keypoint (LGKSQ).  It is also possible to arm/disarm all or selected alarms only.

The two configurable transistor input/outputs can be used in a similar way to the volt free relays or as inputs for connecting a hard-wired arm/disarm switch, key pad or any kind of alarm input.

With the two relays and two transistor switches there is a maximum of four physical single or grouped alarm outputs.

For further information contact Luminite on 020 8368 7887 or visit:

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