NCSC publishes cybersecurity training resources for education sector

April 23, 2021


The NCSC has published advice that will help schools to improve their defence against online attacks. The new, free training – which has been created for teachers and staff by the UK’s leading cyber-experts – sets out real-life incident case studies and practical steps staff can take to protect themselves online.

The resource is the latest package of support the NCSC has offered the schools sector to improve cyber-resilience and follows an updated alert issued last month to help education establishments in the wake of a rise in ransomware attacks.

The training shines a light on the main threats schools face and outlines the severe impact cyber-incidents can have, with one case study showing how a school lost a substantial sum in school fees after reception staff fell victim to a phishing scam.

The four steps are: defend against phishing attempts; use strong passwords; secure your devices and if in doubt, call it out.

Sarah Lyons, NCSC Deputy Director for Economy and Society Engagement, said: “It’s absolutely vital for schools and their staff to understand their cyber-risks and how to better protect themselves online.

“That’s why we’ve created an accessible, free training package offering practical steps on cybersecurity to help busy professionals boost their defences. By familiarising themselves with this resource, staff can help reduce the chances of children’s vital education being disrupted by cyber-criminals.”

Schools Minister Nick Gibb added: “It is vital that schools have robust cybersecurity in place, and these new resources and training will help staff to increase protection from attacks.

“This training will boost support for schools, giving teachers the tools and skills they need to identify possible risks. I would strongly encourage all schools to adopt the resources and all staff to complete the training to make sure data is protected.”

The training package is designed to be accessible by any staff member and is available as a scripted presentation.

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