Mikkel Drucker joins Logpoint as new Chief Executive Officer

May 30, 2024



Logpoint has announced that Mikkel Drucker has joined the company as its new Chief Executive Officer (CEO).

According to the company, the nomination of Drucker marks the next stage in Logpoint’s journey to becoming a European cybersecurity powerhouse, providing regional access to outcome-driven security operations and compliance technologies.

Drucker is an international technology executive with a strong focus on commercial excellence and a proven track record of successfully scaling SaaS and scale-up companies and driving profitable growth.

Drucker joins Logpoint after three years as CEO at Netigate, where he sold the company to a Private Equity fund and drove its healthy growth performance, reshaping the product into an innovative technology platform organically and through acquisition.

As Chief Growth Officer at Tacton, Drucker secured the company a Leader position in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Configure, Price and Quote Applications and spearheaded its growth.

Drucker also has entrepreneurial merits – he co-founded Lindrucker, leading it to a successful exit to a strategic buyer.

In addition, Drucker has held leadership positions at Atea, Trustpilot and Nokia.

What’s next for Drucker and Logpoint?

In an exclusive interview with SJUK, Drucker spoke about the core values he will bring to the role: “I’m very focused on fostering close relationships. With customers, partners and employees.

“It’s important for me to establish close relationships to customers and partners to understanding where they come from, what their needs and challenges are, and ultimately how we can improve to help them achieve results.

“I’m also a firm believer in the benefits of psychological safety, transparency and a strong feedback culture.

“As CEO, it’s a big priority for me to establish a great place to work to attract and retain the talent we need to enhance the value for our customers and partners, and to create a healthy growth in the organisation.”

He also spoke about the future of cybersecurity and how Logpoint plan to help shape the market.

“Cybersecurity is one of the biggest challenges and poses a significant risk to the way organisations operate and people live today.

“The emergence of AI and the increased commoditization of malware is only enhancing the threat.

“The reason why I accepted the position as CEO at Logpoint is that it has the potential to help organisations thrive despite the risk.

“Especially organisations in the mid-market that doesn’t have access to advanced cybersecurity technologies or the resources to operate it.

“Our technology is tailored to the mid-market and to the MSSPs that help them manage security operations.

“Since we’re born out of Europe, we have a unique focus on data protection, and we’re the only European SIEM vendor with a Common Criteria EAL3+ certification.

“Logpoint actually makes a difference. I’m looking forward to building on the already strong offering by enhancing it both organically and through acquisition to help combine threats and risks so we can continue to do so.”

Drucker finished with giving an insight into the future for the company and the main goals that he wishes to achieve during his tenure.

“Logpoint is on a trajectory to become a European cybersecurity powerhouse, which means we want to be the most prominent European cybersecurity vendor in the market.

“We plan to get there by focusing on three areas.

“First, we plan to enhance our offering and increase our market share in the European mid-market through strategic acquisitions that can help us add even more value to our customers and partners.

“Second, we’ll focus on expanding our excellent channel and MSSP partnerships.

“Being a partner of Logpoint should always be easy, and I want to understand the challenges and opportunities they face to ensure that we develop the products that help them scale and overcome challenges.

“And third, we aim to attract key cybersecurity talent as the company scales and make Logpoint a great place to work.”

A proven track record

“We’re excited to have Mikkel on board,” said Jim Pflaging, Chairman of the Board at Logpoint.

“His experience with scaling businesses and overseeing organisational transformation to drive financial growth and his understanding of improving company offerings to accelerate market traction will be instrumental in enhancing Logpoint’s growth journey.

“Mikkel is an accomplished leader and we look forward to working with him to turn Logpoint into a preferred cybersecurity partner for European mid-sized organisations and Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs).”

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