PM pledges Ukraine aid boost at security conference

February 20, 2023


Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has pledged to exceed Britain’s £2.3bn funding last year for Ukraine’s war effort against invading Russian forces in a speech to the Munich Security Conference.

The PM said that Putin’s army inflicts “yet more pain and suffering” each day.

In his address, Mr Sunak said: “The United Kingdom will always be on the side of freedom, democracy and the rule of law.

“Now there’s no greater example of those commitments than our response to the war in Ukraine.
“Just this year we became the first country in the world to provide tanks to Ukraine – and the first to train pilots and marines.

“We gave £2.3 billion last year – and we will match or exceed that in 2023.

“Now other allies can tell a similar story – and our collective efforts are making a difference.”

Ukraine must be supplied with more artillery, tanks and air defences if it is to succeed, he said.

He added: “So now is the moment to double down on our military support. When Putin started this war, he gambled that our resolve would falter.

“Even now, he is betting that we will lose our nerve. But we proved him wrong then. And we will prove him wrong now.”

The world’s reponse will be to help Ukraine shield cities from Russian bombs and Iranian drones.
Mr Sunak added: “And that’s why the UK will be the first country to provide Ukraine with longer-range weapons.

“And it’s why we’re working with our allies to give Ukraine the most advanced air defence systems, and build the air force they need to defend their nation.”


The PM said the the “whole world must hold Russia to account” and it should be made to pay for Ukraine’s reconstruction.

He said “…the treaties and agreements of the post-Cold War era have failed Ukraine”.

Mr Sunak added: “So we need a new framework for its long-term security.

“From human rights to reckless nuclear threats, from Georgia to Moldova, Russia has committed violation after violation against countries outside the collective security of NATO.

“And the international community’s response has not been strong enough.”

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