Portal plans top tier security division

October 16, 2023


Portal Security will expand its London security division through a new joint venture involving experienced industry security experts, Adrian Moore, and David Ward.  

Together, they join Michael Goldie, Group CEO of Portal Security and Declan Goldie, Group Director of Portal Security.

With Headquarters in Glasgow, Portal Security has established a strong reputation in Scotland known for providing security solutions to high-profile corporate clients.  

Organic expansion to work with clients throughout England has been successful and the company now plans to build upon its client footprint in the City of London and surrounding areas under the leadership of these two experts.   

The addition of David Ward, co-founder and former CEO of Ward Security, and Adrian Moore, previously Managing Director at Allied Universal (Europe) to Portal Security’s London Division is a strategic move that marks Portal Security’s commitment to strengthen its position and offer top-tier security services in the region.  

“Leveraging the skills and experience of David and Adrian we will drive growth and innovation alongside a strong emphasis on customer service and employee well-being,” said Michael Goldie, Group CEO of Portal Security. 

“Over the last few years, we have gradually grown our client footprint in England and within London.  We are now looking to take this to the next level and enhance our presence and reputation by partnering with two leading security experts, who not only have outstanding experience in running multimillion-pound security businesses, but importantly know what it takes to deliver a best-in-class manned guarding service.” 

Portal in “unwavering” commitment to employees and clients

An emphasis on customer focus, employee well-being, health and satisfaction will underpin the company’s strategy to grow and develop a sustainable business in the heart of the city. 

In his new role, David Ward will concentrate on client relationships and new business development while also overseeing the new venture’s people strategy.  He said: “There is a clear gap in the market at the top level where very few companies are offering clients anything significantly different. Our differentiating factor will be our unwavering commitment to our employees and our clients.  Driving higher levels of customer satisfaction by providing a motivated team that is 100% focused on sustainable quality service delivery.”

Ward continued: “Over the next few months, as we start to make an impact on the market our clients will be able to tangibly see how a strong workforce and experienced hands-on senior management team will be a game changer for how security is delivered and valued.”

Adrian Moore brings his wealth of experience from running one of the largest security companies in the UK to the team and will be directly responsible for the operational direction of Portal Security’s London division.  He said: “I am proud to be joining Portal Security who have a strong people-oriented and progressive work culture that resonates strongly with my approach to championing frontline security officers.  Being dedicated to providing exceptional security service while prioritising the well-being and professional growth of our employees is a keyway we will challenge how client service is delivered and valued in the city.”

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