Secured by Design have been working alongside the Police Digital Security Centre and the National Counter Terrorism Security Office to publish an advice leaflet for businesses who have had to close as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The leaflet provides Top 10 Security Tips for Closed Business Premises, Top 10 Cyber Security Tips for Working at Home as well as the latest Counter Terrorism advice.
With many businesses closing their doors after further national lockdown measures were implemented in the UK at the beginning of January 2021, Secured by Design have published the guidance to encourage owners to review both their physical and cyber security measures.
The leaflet outlines important security measures that businesses should ensure are fully operational. Some of the measures highlighted for physical risk assessments are intruder alarm systems, CCTV and lighting, with cyber measures such as two-factor authentication and VPN’s discussed in the Working At Home section.
To download the Secured by Design advice leaflet, visit: