Secured by Design (SBD) is the official police security initiative that is owned by the UK Police Service with the specific aim to reduce crime and help people live more safely. We seek to improve the physical security of buildings using products, such as doors, windows, locks and walling systems that meet SBD security requirements. In addition, we include proven crime prevention techniques and measures into the layout and landscaping of new developments, such as maximising natural surveillance and limiting excessive through movement.

We do this by working closely with builders, developers, local authorities and registered housing associations to incorporate our police crime prevention standards from initial concept and design through to construction and completion. Police forces throughout the UK have specially trained Designing Out Crime Officers (DOCOs) who offer police designing out crime and Secured by Design advice free of charge.

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Deadline to secure IoT devices

In this exclusive article, Secured by Design (SBD) National Manager and Secure Connected Devices accreditation lead, Michelle Kradolfer shares some important advice about the UK’s consumer connectable product security regime which comes into force this month.

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