STid leading the change

August 1, 2023


By expanding the role of open technologies in access control we can unlock a wealth of benefits, says STid CEO, Vincent Dupart.

Open technologies have always been synonymous with the highest levels of security. Furthermore, unlike proprietary systems, open technologies empower end customers to retain control over their personal data and security keys—an essential consideration in today’s world and beyond. After all, you wouldn’t hand your key and address to just anyone. This gives them the freedom to host their sensitive data themselves and protect it according to their own preferences.

The openness of these technologies also brings another significant advantage: adaptability and system evolution. Customers have the flexibility to freely customise functionalities or incorporate peripheral devices from various brands. They remain free to tailor their security systems to their specific needs and leverage the latest advancements without being limited by vendor lock-in.

Empowering customers

By embracing open technologies, organisations can future proof their security infrastructure while maintaining data sovereignty. The ability to select, configure, and integrate components from a diverse ecosystem of trusted providers ensures a comprehensive and adaptable security solution.

In an ever-evolving threat landscape, openness offers both peace of mind and the agility needed to address emerging challenges effectively.

At STid, we are committed to leveraging open technologies to empower our customers and deliver cutting-edge security solutions. We firmly believe in the inherent advantages of openness, and we continue to innovate and collaborate with industry partners to provide the highest levels of security, flexibility, and control to our valued customers.

Why is interoperability so important?

Firstly, it enables the evolution of security systems. Currently, approximately 70% of the global security system market relies on outdated technologies. In the coming years, there will be a significant need to migrate towards higher levels of security, driven by regulations and obligations imposed on 80% of that 70% of systems. This includes upgrading outdated badge technologies and communication protocols which lack security features such as encryption, signatures, and authentication.

STid places a strong emphasis on interoperability, recognising the importance of seamless integration with existing security systems. This approach enables users to maximise their security measures and achieve the highest levels of protection.

By designing its solutions with interoperability in mind, we ensure that our products can seamlessly integrate into diverse environments and adapt to specific security requirements. Whether organisations are transitioning from traditional badge-based systems or seeking to implement advanced biometric authentication, STid’s solutions provide the necessary flexibility and compatibility.

Interoperability empowers our readers to connect with any existing protocol, security software, and market-available badges. This allows our clients to migrate at their own pace, considering the potentially significant costs of change. Stid enables a progressive approach, starting from any installation and offering a clear path to reach the highest levels of security if required. We provide a solution that ensures compatibility and supports a seamless transition, irrespective of the existing infrastructure.


The second reason is interconnectivity. Today, a smart security system needs to adapt in real-time to identified risks. This requires seamless communication between the security system and other connected devices. Interoperability facilitates this interaction among various interconnected components, enabling intelligent responses and enhanced security capabilities.

By enabling seamless integration, STid empowers users to stay ahead of evolving threats. As the security landscape continuously evolves, it is crucial for organisations to adapt and strengthen their security measures. STid’s interoperable solutions facilitate the adoption of advanced security features and ensure that users can keep pace with emerging challenges.

Whether it’s integrating biometric authentication, implementing secure access controls for multiple locations, or incorporating new technologies, STid’s interoperable approach guarantees a smooth transition and consistent performance. This empowers users to enhance their security posture, mitigate risks, and protect their assets effectively.

Thirdly, interoperability simplifies management, particularly for organisations with multiple sites (such as banks, insurance companies, retailers, municipalities, and defence facilities) that may have different equipment and protocols in place. Our products accommodate these diverse scenarios, streamlining operations and reducing the need for multiple service providers.

Unified security is vital because cyber threats have become increasingly sophisticated and multifaceted. Attackers exploit vulnerabilities across various entry points, making it crucial to have a cohesive security system that can detect and respond to threats in real-time.

STid’s commitment to interoperability ensures that our customers can evolve their security systems efficiently, adapt to emerging risks, and manage multi-site deployments effectively. We offer a comprehensive solution that addresses the challenges posed by outdated technologies, facilitates seamless communication, and simplifies management across diverse environments.

Human experience

A key focus for STid is enhancing human experience through intuitive high-security solutions. Human error poses significant vulnerabilities in security systems, and we have developed solutions to mitigate these risks. STid Mobile ID is a prime example, leveraging smartphone capabilities to revolutionise access to secure areas. With intuitive badge modes like facial recognition and fingerprint authentication, users can seamlessly upgrade their security levels, simplifying the authentication process and reducing the risk of errors.

By integrating intuitive badge modes, STid ensures that users can easily adopt and adapt to enhanced security measures. This not only improves overall security but also increases user convenience. The reliance on familiar biometric features on smartphones eliminates the need for physical badges or keycards, streamlining access control and improving operational efficiency.

STid’s commitment to staying ahead of evolving threats is evident in its focus on intuitive high-security solutions. By incorporating advanced biometric authentication, organisations can strengthen their security posture and prevent unauthorised access attempts. This proactive approach minimises the risks associated with human error, ensuring that only authorised individuals gain access to sensitive areas.

Access control on an open tech platform: A summary of the benefits

Vendor Choice: Open technologies provide organisations with the freedom to choose from a diverse ecosystem of vendors and solutions. This ensures that access control systems can be tailored to specific requirements, budgets, and preferences, allowing organisations to work with providers that align with their values and objectives.

Compatibility: Open technologies facilitate interoperability, allowing different components and devices from various manufacturers to work together seamlessly. This compatibility ensures that organisations have the flexibility to integrate new technologies, expand their systems, and leverage advancements without being locked into a single proprietary solution. It also avoids vendor lock-in and promotes healthy market competition.

Customisation: Open technologies allow for customisation and adaptation to meet the unique needs of different industries, user groups, and organisational structures. This customisation ensures that access control systems can be tailored to address specific challenges, compliance requirements, and operational workflows, promoting inclusivity and accommodating diverse use cases.

Innovation and Collaboration: Open technologies encourage collaboration and innovation across stakeholders, including technology providers, researchers, and end-users. This collaborative approach leads to the development of cutting-edge solutions that address emerging security challenges and incorporate diverse perspectives and expertise.

Accessibility: Open technologies contribute to accessibility by making security solutions more widely available and affordable. With a broader range of vendors and options, organisations of varying sizes and budgets can implement effective access control systems. This accessibility extends to different sectors, such as education, healthcare, and public facilities, ensuring that security measures are not limited to specific industries or privileged entities.

Overall, open technologies empower organisations to create inclusive and diverse access control environments. By promoting collaboration, customisation, and compatibility, these technologies ensure that security solutions are accessible, adaptable, and cater to the unique requirements of different organisations and user groups.

Accessing the future

By expanding the role of open technologies in access control, we can unlock a wealth of benefits, including flexibility, innovation, cost-effectiveness, data ownership, and interoperability. Open technologies provide organisations with the tools and freedom to adapt, collaborate, and integrate various solutions, ultimately leading to more robust and future-proof access control systems.

Notably, major players in the proprietary realm are recognising the value of openness and developing open offerings. This shift is driven by the conviction of users and partners who see the advantages of open technologies.

The demand for interoperability, customisation, and scalability has prompted industry leaders to embrace open standards and collaborate with other stakeholders. By doing so, they aim to meet the evolving needs of customers and provide solutions that offer flexibility, innovation, and seamless integration.

The growing consensus among users and partners regarding the benefits of open technologies has acted as a catalyst for change. Organisations now seek access control solutions that empower them to choose the best components, adapt to changing requirements, and avoid vendor lock-in. Open technologies align with these aspirations, fostering an ecosystem of collaboration, competition, and continuous improvement.

As the industry moves forward, the adoption of open technologies is not just a trend, but a strategic direction embraced by key players. This transition towards openness represents a paradigm shift in the access control landscape, driven by the shared conviction of users, partners, and industry leaders.

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